Monday, September 20, 2010

Indian Camp-Ernest Hemingway Blog 2nd Edition

The idea that Nick who is such a young child witnesses all the graphic events that he did that morning really stands out to me. The things he saw were unbelievable. First off, seeing a woman in labor is probably not something that a young boy really understands. Also, the bloody surgery and a man after he committed suicide are not things that Nick should be seeing.

The beginning of the story and the fact that Nick, his father and Uncle George are all coming from the outside world to the indian camp is also important. It symbolizes that they are coming into this "other" world and the lake creates a type of boarder.

The Iceberg Theory is also very interesting. Hemingway implies so many things but in a way that you would already natural assume it. For example "They walked up the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with dew." He never told the reader that it was early in the morning but they would just naturally assume it.

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